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Resolutions Inspired By Fido

January 1, 2023

Happy New Year! As we leave 2022 behind and move ahead into 2023, many people are focusing on the things they want to achieve in the new year. No matter what your goals are, your canine buddy will be loyally cheering you on. As it turns out, Man’s Best Friend is also a pretty good source of inspiration. An Ada, MI vet lists a few resolutions Fido would definitely approve of in this article.

Get More Exercise

It’s probably safe to say that fitness and weight loss goals are extremely popular resolutions for people from all walks of life. Staying active is also very important for Fido! Daily walks are a must, but you can also branch out beyond that. Take your four-legged friend hiking or swimming, or get into the habit of exploring new parks and trails. Just stick with things that are safe for your pooch.

Eat Well

Proper nutrition is crucial to both your health and Fido’s. Your canine pal’s needs will change over time, so if you haven’t revisited his menu for a while, it may be time to revisit his menu. Offer him a good, high-quality food that’s appropriate for his age, size, and lifestyle. As far as treats, just stick with smaller portions, and don’t go overboard. Ask your vet for recommendations.

Spend Time With Loved Ones

Dogs are incredibly loyal: Fido really just wants to spend time with you, whether that means napping at your feet or accompanying you to various places. Time is one thing we can never have enough of, and the start of a new year is a wonderful time to think about how precious it is. Focus on the people who matter most to you!

Learn New Things

Did you know that many dogs love to learn new things? All pups should know basic obedience commands. However, Fido can go much further than that. Life is about learning and growing. Work on your furry buddy’s petucation this year, and try something new yourself.

Smell The Roses

If our canine companions had one life lesson to share with us, this would probably be it. (Fido also wants to smell the grass, bushes, and trees, but that’s another topic.) Remember to take time to relax this year!

Everyone here at Arrow Veterinary Clinic, your Ada, MI pet clinic, wishes you a wonderful new year. Contact us anytime!