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Holiday Hazards For Dogs

The holiday season has officially kicked off. It’s probably pretty safe to say that quite a few of our furry patients will be finding themselves with extra treats and gifts over the next few months. However, Fido doesn’t only have…

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Getting Your Dog Ready For The Cold

Winter isn’t far off now: the temperatures are dropping steadily, and the days are already getting quite short. Many people are already (reluctantly) storing their summer things and pulling cold-weather gear. As you get ready for the cold, you’ll also…

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Halloween Pet Safety

Halloween is just around the corner. This is one of the biggest holidays, and also one of the most dangerous ones for our furry companions. An Ada, MI vet goes over some safety concerns associated with the autumn holiday below….

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Things To Teach Your Kitten

Have you recently adopted a kitten? Little Fluffy may be small, but she manages to carve out a pretty big space for herself in our hearts. Getting a kitten is lots of fun, but it also takes a lot of…

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Adopt A Less Adoptable Pet Week

Adopt-a-Less-Adoptable-Pet Week starts on September 18th! This is one topic that is truly close to our hearts. Many wonderful and lovable pets get passed over, simply because they’re a little less than perfect. That’s not only unfair, it’s also very…

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Fido’s Fitness Regimen

September is Responsible Dog Ownership Month! There are many different aspects of responsible dog ownership. Keeping your canine pal fit is a big one! A local Ada, MI vet offers some tips on this below. How Much Exercise Does My…

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